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Healthy Nutrition Guide For Toddlers


Healthy Nutrition Guide For Toddlers

Posted on August 22 18

As your child reaches the toddler-hood phase, it is important to ensure that all his health and development requirements are met. Terrible twos, threes, and even fours are normal phases for kids where they learn to explore themselves and the world around them. During this stage, kids usually tend to throw tantrums, say `no` to everything, be physically hyperactive and love their independence. But no worries, this shall also pass. Being a parent to a toddler, the essential key you need to practice is – patience! Another essential practice is to keep their routine set from an early age. Once you follow a proper routine, whether, for sleeping or eating, your kid will eventually find it easier to adapt. 


Some days can even be exhausting, but it`s okay! Parenting a toddler requires immense hard work, and yes, you all are doing a great job! Experts share that a healthy routine supports a child`s overall growth and development. But you`ll must be wondering what a healthy routine is? Well, a healthy routine involves maintaining a schedule to balance a child`s sleeping, eating, playing, and day and night activities. A toddler is comparatively more physically active than a grown-up child. So, to strengthen their immune system, it is very important to ensure they eat healthy every day. But, how do you ensure your picky eater meets his daily nutrition needs? Nothing to worry about as we have sorted it out for you. Read on below to check out an ultimate guide to building healthy nutrition for your little ones.




Fruits are an important part of children`s nutrition. It is the best choice to use as a snack or for breakfast. Keep it simple and start by introducing bananas or colorful berries that may attract your child. Try serving a new fruit alongside your child`s favorite food in the same meal. It may take multiple attempts for a kid to accept a new fruit. Fruits contain sufficient essential vitamins and minerals that give your little one energy to grow and play.




Toddlers need an afternoon and evening snack in a day. Snacks should include a variety of healthy foods such as fruits, dry fruits, and vegetables. Even if they do not like the veggies` taste, begin with a slice of cucumber served with any sauce of their choice. Another great tip is to eat the same in your meal as children love to eat together as a family. They would like to follow what other family members are eating, may not on day one – but as said above – patience is the key!




Protein is one of the essential nutrients to keep your toddler fuller longer. Including protein in your children`s daily diet help in the functioning and repair of their muscles, organs, hair, and nails. Usually, we think that meat is the only form of protein, but it doesn`t have to be. Other options to offer protein to your child include peanut butter, pulses, beans, chickpeas, or full-boiled eggs. Pulses are also a good source of iron which plays a significant role in a child`s brain development.




Grains are a great source of carbohydrates and fibers. Grains can be offered as a snack or even included at every meal in small portions. Experts recommend eating whole grain or a variety of bread, rice, cereals, oats, and barley. Crackers also make a good source of fiber and carbohydrates. Grains are important to children`s nutrition as they provide the necessary range of vitamins and minerals for their healthy growth and development.




Lastly, your child`s daily diet should also include healthy drinks. If your child is fully hydrated, he will feel active and energized throughout the day. You can try many flavored drinks that your child enjoys. The good idea is to involve your child in preparing a drink that makes it more interesting for him. Drinks such as coconut water, fruit smoothies, flavored milk, fresh fruit juices, or shakes are healthy choices for everyday meals and the right source of nutrients for your children`s growth. 



You can offer a variety of healthy snacks and drinks to your child daily. Just keep in mind that every day will not be the same. Chances are, your kid will learn to adapt healthy eating habits slowly and gradually. Also, remember that some foods need a little extra attention when introduced to young children. It is better to consult a child nutritionist to ensure your child isn`t allergic to any specific food.


Wish you a happy parenting!